Monday, May 19, 2008

Inspirational Qoutes Texts Messages 42

In life, you may not always get wat u want...
u may not always get what u need...but u get what u deserve...
because God always givs you what is best...

Today I'll talk to the one i really love.
I'll tell him about you. How much i care for you an dhow
much you've been important to me. but still, he's my
number 1 coz i'll nver find someone like him again.
His name is jesus. Make him your number 1 too,


Others may do a greater work out you have
your work to do, and no one in all God's heritage
can do it as well as you.


The lettle things we give away
come back as blessing some other day.
This is God's way of giving rewards to those
who give with unselfish hearts.


nature forms us, sin deforms us,
education informs us, mistakes reforms us
but JESUS transforms us.


Jesus said," I am the way, the truth an dthe life...
'apart from the way there is no going.
Apart from the truth, there i sno KNOWING. Apart from the life there is no living.


Faith is a life that dares to commit beyond
its means, expecting what sense can't certify,
based on God's promise, dpendent on his supply,
motivated for his glory and confident on his integrity.


Only one lyf t'will soon be past.
only whats done for christ will last.


There is nver a message sending failed,
in God's message center call on him anytime,
anywhere because he will nver cease to listen to u.


Sometimes we don't understand why God does what HE
does..His ways are unfathormable . Just the same, He deserves
our unreserved love, unqualified trust. God is in control.

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