Sunday, October 30, 2011

Love Quotes Text Messages 215

“Love changes you, the way you think, the way you act, the way you decide and the way you move. You even go against your principles and beliefs in life.
Love doesn’t always mean you’ll be happy. Sometimes all it provides you pain and misery. Yet your blinded by strong emotions that you fail to see reality that love is easy to get; but so hard to let go and so easy to spell; but so hard to defined.”


“If you want to have a good relationship, be open to each other. It is because secrets and unsaid feelings may lead to such pain.”


“We must believe that disappointments contribute something to what we love…”


“Being friends with your EX…it shows that you are mature enough to get over the fact that you weren’t meant to be together.”


“Don’t let doubts lost the magic of love, because it’s not everyday you meet someone who has the magic to let you fall in love.”


“If the heart is willing, it will find a thousand ways. But when it unwilling, it will find a thousand excuses.”


“There is no one in this world who can love me like you do, that is the reason that I wanna spend forever with you.”


“If you love someone you have to get the best do the right thing but the best way to an everlasting relationship comes from three words:
It is because of lies there, it all start, the quarrel and misunderstanding.”


“It’s better end something and start another than to imprison yourself in hoping for the impossible.”


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