Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Love Quotes Text Messages 121

Me and Him
I'm loud, he's silent
I'm paranoid, he's sure
I talk, he thinks
I hate math, he loves math
I splurge, he saves
I nag, he listens
I cry, he consoles
I'm emotional, he's rational
We could be the north pole
and south pole. It's a wonder
how we get along so well but
we understand, we compliment,
we love. I now see why opposite
attracts more than what
chemistry in school ever taught me


some people are meant to be
meant to fall in love with each other
but not meant to be "TOGETHER"


words are not 2 important to
show dat you care
atleast you know how to
show it remember Mr. Bean?
he doesn't talk much but he
NEVER LEAVES his teddy


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